Diabetic nephropathy Homeopathy Treatment | Chennai | Thoraipakkam | Medavakkam | Sithalapakkam | Tambaram | Perumbakkam | Dr Sheela Homeopathy
Diabetic Nephropathy Homeopathy Treatment in Chennai
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Understanding Diabetic Nephropathy: A Silent Threat to Kidney Health

Swelling in the ankles, legs, or face due to fluid retention.
Increased protein in the urine (proteinuria).
Elevated blood pressure.
Fatigue and weakness.
Changes in urine frequency and volume.
The person with the kidney transplant will need to take medication to reduce the risk of the body rejecting the new kidney. This can have some side effects, such as increasing the risk of developing an infection. Homeopathy treats Diabetic Nephrotic Syndrome starting from the root level. Homeopathic treatment not only helps in treating the damage done to the kidneys but also helps in slowing down the further damage of the kidneys and controls related complications.
Diabetic Nephropathy Homeopathy Treatment in Chennai